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7 Surprising Ways to Clean Your Home with White Vinegar

If you have a jug of white vinegar lying around, you can use it for many cleaning purposes in your home. In fact, there’s not much it can’t handle.

You might think this old-school solution can’t possibly out-shine all those pricey cleaners on your grocery store shelves. But we’d love to fill you in on this powerhouse’s many uses. 

Today, we’re exploring intriguing ways to implement it around your house. Some you probably already know, but others may be a surprise.

Let’s go!

White vinegar diluted with water is an excellent soak to clean your fresh produce

About White Vinegar and Its Many Uses

White vinegar, also called distilled vinegar, is a clear liquid often used in cooking, cleaning, and for medicinal purposes. It’s the byproduct of fermented alcohol, corn, or apples, which creates ethanol. A bacteria gets introduced to the concoction to form acetic acid. Lastly, it goes through a filtering process to remove impurities.

The final result is a sour-tasting and pungent-smelling fluid. Despite its sharp flavor, it’s an incredibly versatile solution. Various derivatives come from it, including apple cider, white wine, and red wine vinegars. Each has its unique properties and can be helpful in different scenarios.

Are you curious about how to make the most of it? As we said, you can do some shocking things with this product. 

#1 Fresh Produce Cleanser

You never know who or what has been touching your fresh produce. If you buy it from your local grocery store, other shoppers may have handled it multiple times. Germs and other bacteria could be lurking on their surfaces. Use white vinegar as a natural cleaning solution before you take a bite. 

Mix a tablespoon of the stuff with 1.5 quarts of plain water in a large bowl. Place your fresh fruits and veggies into the mixture and let them sit. 

After a few minutes, remove the produce and thoroughly rinse under clean water. This extra step can give you peace of mind during your next snack.

Do you know How to Easily Get Rid Of Fruit Flies? Yes, vinegar is involved!

#2 Weed Killer

Another everyday use for white vinegar is to create a natural and eco-friendly weed killer. However, we want to warn you that it’s also strong enough to kill the plants you love. So, if you go this route, don’t go crazy spraying it. You could end up doing more harm than good.

As a weed killer, pour it directly onto the plant. Get as close as possible to the plant’s roots for the best results. It doesn’t take much, so be careful not to overdo it. 

Avoid waste by placing the liquid into a spray bottle. Then, battle with the unwanted guests in your garden, flower bed, or driveway cracks. Applying it on a dry, sunny day can provide the best results. It won’t take long for the weeds to dry out and die.

#3 Drain Cleaner

There’s a good chance you’ve experienced the following situation where you can use white vinegar for cleaning. A clogged drain is a common problem, but many solutions on store shelves contain hazardous chemicals. However, we can help you fix it with a natural product that’s far less harsh.

If you want to try it, start by pouring a quarter cup of baking soda down the drain. Follow it up with an equal amount of vinegar and let it sit for about 15 minutes. While you wait, head to the kitchen and boil some water. Once your timer goes off, pour the hot water down the drain.

Assuming all goes as planned, you should have a drain free of gunk and debris. Adding this as a part of your routine maintenance or cleaning schedule can help you avoid issues from developing. 

#4 Laundry Freshener

Are you tired of your clothes smelling sweaty? This natural solution can neutralize those odors and leave your threads with a fresh scent. It’s a cost-effective way to soften fabrics and remove stains or unpleasant aromas.

Many of the big-name products at the store add vinegar to their mixture. Instead of paying a premium for them, add it to your budget-friendly detergent and save some cash.

All you need to do is add half a cup of undiluted white vinegar during the rinse cycle. Start your washing machine as usual and let this natural and environmentally friendly product do its job. When finished, take a big whiff and enjoy wearing clothes that don’t make you smell like you just ran a marathon.

We wondered: Does Vinegar Eliminate Mold?

#5 Glass and Tile Cleaner

Keeping your glass and tile looking good is a challenging task. Stroll down the cleaning aisle at your local grocery store, and you’ll find more products than you can count. But why use these when you can choose an all-purpose solution instead?

Rather than reaching for bleach or dangerous cleaning chemicals, fill a spray bottle with full-strength white vinegar. Spray grout and tile with it and let it sit for at least an hour. You should then be able to scrub with a brush and watch the gunk disappear.

When polishing glass or other surfaces, dilute it with water. While it isn’t as harsh as other cleaning ingredients, it can still cause damage, especially to wood and stone. Creating a fifty-fifty mixture is typically safe in most situations.

Baking soda and white vinegar can help clean your drain

#6 Hard Water Stain Remover

If you have hard water in your house, you might know that it can seriously damage your appliances, fixtures, and other components. The longer the deposits in the water are left to sit, the harder they are to remove. Luckily, this is another case where you can use white vinegar to save the day.

Again, mix equal parts with water. Spray the substance onto the stains and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Once it’s had time to soak, grab a sponge or clean rag and wipe it away.

For faucets, shower heads, and other fixtures, soak a rag in the solution. Wrap it around the fixture for approximately 10 minutes. Next, grab a scrub brush and give the spout a good scrubbing. The combination can break up any gunk or mineral deposits stuck to it.

#7 Vegan Egg Substitute

One use for white vinegar that surprises many people is as an egg substitute. If you enjoy baking and want a vegan-friendly alternative, combine it with baking soda. This concoction mimics eggs’ binding properties and has a leavening effect. 

Unfortunately, while you may be able to mimic some properties of eggs, it’ll be missing the taste. If you need the texture or flavor of the real thing, it won’t be much help. However, your vegan friends will love your attempt at creating delicious treats that fit their dietary needs. 

Discover more options for Green Cleaning with Vinegar.

You Can Use White Vinegar On Nearly Anything

As you can see, you can use white vinegar in many ways. You don’t have to spend your hard-earned money to buy name-brand products made to work on a single surface. 

That big container in your cabinet or closet might be all you need for a sparkling living space. Whether cleaning your home, killing weeds, or baking treats, it helps to have some white vinegar on hand.

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