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Are Feral People Really Roaming the USA (And Its National Parks)

There’s a theory circulating on TikTok and other social media platforms that revolves around the idea of feral people living in the United States.

Conspiracy theories are nothing new, and the growth of the internet has only fueled the fire for these theories. These online communities make it their mission to get to the bottom of these mysteries but often find they have more questions than answers.

So are feral people roaming among us? If not, why are these stories so wildly popular?

Let’s find out!

What Exactly Are Feral People?

The term feral is often synonymous with “wild.” When the term gets associated with humans, it refers to wild humans that live isolated and disconnected from society.

These “wild humans” often lack education and can be dangerous. They can behave in very unpredictable manners as they’re believed to be uncivilized humans.

Is There Any Evidence That Feral People Exist? 

Over the years, there have been several discoveries of feral people, one of the most famous being Dina Sanichar. Initially, you may not recognize this name, but Sanichar’s life inspired Rudyard Kipling to write The Jungle Book. He was the original Mowgli.

There are many other cases of feral people living in the wild. Some date back hundreds of years and appear to be more folklore than actual truth. However, a feral child was discovered in 1994 outside the Ukrainian village of Nova Blagovishchenka.

The girl was found living among a pack of wild dogs, and local authorities had to use food to distract the dog pack so they could lure the girl away.

Feral person walking through dark forest
National parks and wilderness areas have been rumored to be the homes of feral people in the USA.

Places Where You May Encounter A Feral Person In The USA 

So there are feral people that exist worldwide, but do feral people live in the United States? Let’s keep digging and look at places around the USA where conspiracy theorists claim to be home to feral people.

#1 National Parks

The National Park Service has an entire section of its website for cold cases, including missing persons. These are unsolved cases with no active leads where people have mysteriously disappeared within any of the 400+ NPS units.

You’ll find missing person reports in national parks all over the country. Many national parks are in remote areas, and their landscapes can be incredibly unforgiving. Visitors can easily bite off more than they can chew on trails, get lost, or take risks that can be deadly.

Social media influencers account for many of the feral people reports in national parks. One prime example is Ariele (@thepresentbeliever), who shared an encounter she had at Big Bend National Park. She reported hearing screaming in the area and the sounds of an emergency.

When she called authorities, they found nothing in the area out of the ordinary. She asked park officials about the incident the following day, and no one knew anything. There are no reports or documentation to back up any of the claims found on social media.

Pro Tip: Find out more about the feral people who lurk in the National Parks.

#2 Wilderness Areas

David Paulides is a former police officer who wrote the book Missing 411, which was also turned into a documentary on Hulu. He covers the hundreds of odd cases of individuals disappearing from wilderness areas. Paulides has grown quite a large following and inspired social media users to share their own stories.

Mal (@coincidence.theorist on TikTok) shared her experiences living in Appalachia and that many locals believe feral people have lived in Appalachia for centuries. Mal replied to Ariele’s video we previously mentioned, but the footage vanished from TikTok.

Nobody knows whether Mal deleted the post or if TikTok took it down. Many theorists find the disappearance of the video odd, and it only adds fuel to the fire that there’s a conspiracy taking place.

#3 The Smoky Mountains 

The Smoky Mountains are one popular place where many conspiracy theorists believe feral people live. Many hear the 1969 case of Dennis Martin, a six-year-old boy who disappeared while visiting the Smoky Mountains. He and his bright red shirt vanished and were never seen again.

One of the most popular conspiracy theories for the disappearance of Dennis Martin claims a group of wild men snatched him. There are theories that these feral humans live in the Smoky Mountains, have developed their own language, and have a unique stench. They’re believed to be cannibals but will settle for livestock when needed.

Pro Tip: Feral people aren’t the only scary species in the Smoky Mountains. Find out What Are The Most Dangerous Creatures in the Smoky Mountains?

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, USA overlooking the Newfound Pass in autumn.
There are many feral people conspiracy theories that take place in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

What Do You Do If You Ever Encounter A Feral Person? 

Keep your distance if you’re unlucky enough to encounter a feral person. As they’re believed to be as wild as any wild animal, you don’t want to approach them. They can behave very unpredictably and cause serious harm, even death. You don’t want your name to be the latest name added to the long list of people who disappeared from the national parks and other wilderness areas.

You should do whatever you can to slowly leave the area and contact the proper authorities. Take note of as many details as possible to accurately report the information to authorities. Taking a picture or video without putting yourself in danger can help law enforcement know what they’re looking for when they arrive.

You may also want to send the picture or video to a loved one as soon as possible in case you don’t make it out alive.

Do You Believe Feral People Are Real? 

Do you believe the National Park Service is covering the dangers lurking in the forests to avoid scaring visitors and their tourist dollars? We’ve spent a lot of time in national parks and wilderness areas but never had an encounter with feral people. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

Do you believe feral people are real? Let us know in the comments!

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