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She Talks to Angels: A Magical Journey Like the Open Road

Music has a unique way of weaving itself into the fabric of our lives, creating a soundtrack to our experiences, our joys, and our sorrows. “She Talks to Angels” by The Black Crowes is one of those songs for me.

Born in the ’80s, I grew up during the last golden era of music, a time when songs were not just heard but felt deeply. This song, in particular, has been a constant companion on my journeys, both as an RV traveler and a musician.

When I first heard “She Talks to Angels,” I was captivated by its haunting melody and poignant lyrics. The line, “She never mentions the word addiction in certain company,” struck a chord with me. It reminded me of the many people I’ve met on the road (and myself), each carrying our own burdens, often hidden beneath the surface.

As an RV traveler, I’ve crossed paths with countless individuals, each with their own stories of struggle and resilience. This line encapsulates the silent battles that so many face, and it serves as a reminder to approach everyone with empathy and understanding.

Performing this song at our farmhouse, a place where the spirit of live music thrives, felt like coming full circle. It’s a place where I’ve found solace and joy, much like the way the woman in the song finds solace in her conversations with angels.

On my RV journeys, this song has been a constant companion. The open road, with its endless possibilities and occasional uncertainties, mirrors the themes of the song. “She keeps a lock of hair in her pocket, and a cross around her neck” is a line that evokes the sentimentality of keeping mementos from our travels.

I, too, have collected little keepsakes from my journeys – a postcard from a small town, a pebble from a serene lakeside, or a photograph with a new friend. These items, like the lock of hair, are tangible memories of the places I’ve been and the people I’ve met.

Covering “She Talks to Angels” is not just about recreating a beloved song; it’s about infusing it with my own experiences and emotions. It’s about sharing a piece of myself with the listener, inviting them to join me on a journey through music and memories.

This song has seen me through countless miles on the road, late-night campfires, and quiet moments of reflection. It has been a source of comfort and inspiration, much like the angels in the song.

For me, this cover is a way to honor the impact this song has had on my life. It’s a tribute to the golden era of music that shaped my upbringing, to the roads I’ve traveled, and to the countless stories I’ve gathered along the way.

It’s a reminder that, no matter where we go, music has the power to connect us, to heal us, and to remind us of the beauty in our shared human experience.