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How “Into The Mystic” Shaped My Life and RV Travels

As a musician for over two decades and an RVer for nearly a decade, I’ve found that my life has been a journey shaped by melodies and miles. “Into The Mystic” by Van Morrison stands as a beacon of light, guiding me through the darkest and brightest moments of my existence.

This song has been more than just a favorite tune; it’s been a spiritual companion, a source of inspiration, and a reminder of the beauty and mystery that life and travel bring.

Van Morrison’s “Into The Mystic” begins with the evocative lines, “We were born before the wind / Also younger than the sun.” These words resonate deeply with my life on the road. There’s a timelessness to RV travel, a sense of being part of a larger, eternal journey that predates and outlasts the mundane concerns of daily life.

When I hit the open road, I felt connected to something ancient and profound, as if my travels were part of an ongoing story that began long before me and will continue long after.

The song continues with, “And when that fog horn blows, I will be coming home.” For me, this verse encapsulates the feeling of finding a sense of home in movement. As an RVer, my home is wherever I park my rig.

The fog horn symbolizes those moments of the soon-to-come clarity and calling that will guide me back to myself, no matter where I am. It’s a reminder that home is not a place, but a state of being—a sense of belonging that I carry with me.

Traveling and playing music have been my lifelines, especially as I’ve navigated the treacherous waters of addiction.

“I want to rock your gypsy soul / Just like way back in the days of old.” This line speaks to my spirit’s desire for freedom and connection.

My soul, like the song’s gypsy, yearns for the open road, the new experiences, and the soulful connections made along the way. Music has always been my anchor, my way of expressing and processing the highs and lows of my journey.

“Into The Mystic” is not just a song I listen to; it’s one I live by.

The verse, “And magnificently we will float / Into the mystic,” is a testament to the transcendence I seek in my travels and my solitude. Floating into the mystic is about surrendering to the unknown, embracing the adventure, and trusting that the journey itself holds the answers.

This mindset has been crucial in overcoming my struggles and finding peace.

There are moments on the road, particularly those quiet mornings with the sun rising over a new horizon (think, camping on Neah Bay), when the line “Hark, now hear the sailors cry / Smell the sea and feel the sky” comes to life. These experiences ground me and remind me of the simple joys and profound beauty that travel offers.

It’s in these moments that I feel most alive and most connected to the universe.

As I share my story with the community, I hope to offer a message of hope and inspiration. “Into The Mystic” has been my companion, a guiding star through the night, and a reminder that we are all part of a grand, mysterious journey.

My travels and music are my ways of exploring this mystic path, and I encourage others to find their own ways of connecting with the magic and mystery of life.

Every time I perform “Into The Mystic” at a gig, especially at the iconic FloraBama bar, it’s not just a song—it’s a piece of my soul I share with the audience. It’s an invitation for them to join me on this journey, to explore their own mystic paths, and to find their own moments of clarity and connection.