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Cops Escort Famous YouTuber Out of Campground

Many people choose to boondock in remote locations away from city lights and other travelers. The peace and quiet of areas removed from daily life breathe refreshment into their souls. The starry sky is light pollution-free, and the animals roam freely.

But even in the midst of these picturesque and tranquil locations, unforeseen, even dangerous and unexpected situations will arise. That’s what happened when Creativity RV was staying in a national forest in Wyoming. 

Let’s look at why cops escorted her off the campground.

Who Is Creativity RV? 

Creativity RV is a full-time traveling nomad. Robin Barrett has been on the road for more than four years and has established a group of patrons, subscribers, and followers who join her on social media for the journey. 

Robin is also an author who has published two books available on Amazon. One is “Be A Nomad Change Your Life: The Ultimate Guide to Living Full-Time in a Van or RV.” The other is titled “Work From Home While You Roam: The Ultimate Guide to Jobs That Can Be Done From Anywhere.”

Why Did Robin Call the Cops When Camping in a National Forest?

Outside Jackson, Wyo., Robin found a national forest to stay in. She turned on her porch light to go outside to see the stars when two gunshots rang out. “It was the loudest shot that I’ve ever heard outside of a gun range in my life, so I knew that it was very close by to me – definitely in the campground,” she says. She ran back inside, turned off her porch light, and waited.

She decided to wait and see if anything more happened because there was no cell service inside the campground. Her Starlink was at the edge of the river about 150 feet away, but she had it turned off because it uses so much power. 

But then another shot rang out, and she knew she had to power up Starlink to get service to call 911. After several failed attempts, she called the local sheriff’s office, which got ahold of Lincoln County police to send an escort out to the campground.

RV parked at night
While boondocking is generally safe, there are moments when it can get scary.

Why Couldn’t Robin Leave When She Heard Gun Shots?

Although Starlink enabled Robin to call 911, it also prevented her from leaving. Its cord was tethered to her car, so she couldn’t leave.

She was scared to go back outside because the gunshots were so close. But she didn’t want to drive off, dragging an expensive piece of equipment either.

Pro Tip: Get the inside scoop! This Famous YouTuber Exposed Starlink Internet.

Why Was Robin Escorted Out of the Campground?

The police officers who arrived at the campground spoke with other campers who shared similar stories about hearing nearby gunshots. They asked if she knew where the gunshots came from. She couldn’t help much because it was dark. They’re in the woods, so it’s hard to tell the direction. However, she knew they were close.

The officers believed Robin’s neighbor fired the gunshots but couldn’t ask the neighbor to leave without proof. So they asked Robin if she would like to go instead. She gladly packed her things and allowed the officers to escort her out of the campground.

Police lights at night
If you ever feel unsafe while camping, trust your instincts and call the cops.

What Precautions Should You Take When Boondocking in a National Forest? 

Pay attention to the area. Do you see broken bottles and trash everywhere? Is there graffiti on the rocks? If so, this is probably an area people you don’t want to be around always are. Robin doesn’t like to stay within 30 minutes of a town because that means locals can escape to the forest to participate in illegal activities.

Cell service is usually non-existent in these locations, so have a plan should an emergency arise. Finally, always tell someone where you’re staying for the night. Just like when you’re going on a hike, you want someone to know your location should anything happen.

Is It Safe to Boondock?

At the end of the video, Robin shares, “This doesn’t dissuade me from being a nomad or camping at all. I see a lot less drama and a lot less crazy out on the road than I did when I lived in the sticks-and-bricks.” 

This unfortunate situation is very unlikely. Most RVers don’t experience nearby gunshots during their travels. As long as you pay attention to your surroundings, scope out the area, check reviews, and feel safe, boondocking is a great opportunity. You’ll enjoy beautiful scenic views and connect with nature.

Pro Tip: We uncovered Is Boondocking a Safe Camping Option to help you decide if it is right for you.

Where Else Can You Find Creativity RV? 

You can follow Creativity RV on Instagram or Facebook to stay up-to-date on Robin’s travels. You can also visit her blog to read about her past mistakes, exciting adventures, and years of memories while traveling as a nomad.

Don’t let her experience at a national forest in Wyoming deter you from enjoying your camping experience. But make sure you have a plan in place if things go wrong. Have you ever had an experience like Robin’s?

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