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How Much Does a Mattress Weigh (and Why Is It Important?)

Many factors determine how much a mattress weighs, but why do we even want to learn this anyway?

While it’s not an everyday worry, you may want to know when it comes time to purchase again. Whether your bedroom is upstairs or on wheels, getting the right one for your setup is vital. 

Today, we’re digging into the mysterious world of mattresses.

Let’s bounce!

Girl playing in bedroom, jumping on the bed - will the mattress support her weight?

Why Does Mattress Weight Matter?

Surely, you’ve had the experience of trying to force larger furniture downstairs or through narrow doorways. Navigating the corners and hallways of your home with a mattress in hand isn’t easy. And have you ever tried getting one into an RV? It’s a challenge, for sure.

Moving is hard enough, especially on your own. Including a king-sized bed complicates matters considerably. Knowing how much your mattress weighs might be the difference between hiring movers or not.

Bulky items like these are a necessity for comfortable rest. On average, you’ll spend a third of your life on them. If you spend that time tossing and turning, it’s a waste of energy. Recent innovations have made them lighter and easier to pack. Many folks get their new pads delivered rolled up in a box. 

Gone are the days you’d spend hours picking out the perfect one at a store. Instead of a delivery driver and assistant, you’ll likely only have your Amazon driver ringing the doorbell. 

All this could make you think that mattress weight isn’t important. It can be difficult to drag it up the stairs in your house or put it into your RV fully formed. Choosing the right one makes the whole process easier. And, while you won’t be relocating it frequently, it’s crucial to think about it. 

Finally, if your rig has several sleeping bays, you’ll want to manage how much extra mass you bring. With the potential of several hundred additional pounds, they could reduce what else you can carry.

Are RV Mattresses the Same As Regular Mattresses?

Getting into a new RV is an exciting prospect. You’ll get to put what you want or need into the vehicle to maximize comfort. But there are some significant differences between mattresses on your rig and the ones you use at home. 

An RV typically has a smaller bed space than a regular household frame. On average, you lose between four and six inches in length, depending on the size. Along with that statistic, they’re also thinner and lighter than their residential cousins.

Traditionally, sleeping took place on what are called innerspring platforms. Individual coils laid out in sequence support the weight of sleepers in this scenario. Creaky and heavy, they aren’t the preferred construction due to sheer volume. For your travels, you’ll want to consider different materials.

Memory foam and gel foam are popular choices due to their lightness. Comparing how much one of these mattresses weighs highlights the difference. 

Do you know? What is Your RV Dry Weight (And Why It Matters)

Do All Mattresses Weigh the Same? 

New construction methods make mattress weights significantly less than before. Between the different types, you’ll see quite a bit of variation. Not all are the same, and depending on your needs, one may not serve you as well as another.

For the purposes of comparison, we’re using a standard, queen-sized mattress. Typically, they’re 80” wide by 60” long. You’ll notice variations between the different materials. If you add comfort features like pillow toppers, yours may be heavier.

Latex Mattresses

Latex is one of the oldest natural materials on the market. Formed from the sap of a tree, it’s a common component in sleeping systems. Even synthetic varieties exist, and that’s great for your pocketbook. 

This type of product is excellent for those who prefer something with a little bounce. You won’t sink into them, and they help you stay cool at night. An open-cell structure provides airflow, which is a godsend if you run hot. 

For stomach and combination sleepers, these are ideal because they provide support. That said, if you’re sharing with a partner who moves frequently, you’ll get disturbed by motion transfer.

However, latex is a common allergen, and anyone with a sensitivity shouldn’t purchase this type. Even when sealed, the material off-gasses and can trigger an attack. Coupled with that, they’re heavy. 

Different types of rubber can impact how much queen-sized mattress weighs. Typically, they range between 120 and 160 pounds. 

Memory Foam Mattresses

Memory foam changed the game with a closed-cell structure that remembers your body shape. This spongy, soft material cradles sleepers and provides very little motion transfer. Generally, they have several different components, so you don’t sink to the bottom. 

Previously, they got a bad rap for trapping heat overnight. Newer versions include a gel layer that removes that excess warmth and keeps things more comfortable.

Back and side sleepers benefit from the cradling effect as it provides more support. Your joint pain won’t get worse by using one of these, either. 

In tight quarters on your RV, they have the added benefit of around half the weight of latex. Making your bed won’t be a strength workout with this type. Cushy and comfortable, memory foam isn’t going to break the bank either. 

Most queen-sized mattresses in this category weigh in between 75 and 90 pounds. Variations occur because of added material to increase firmness.

Innerspring Mattresses

Cheap and available everywhere, innerspring is probably what you grew up on. Made from steel spring and a comfort layer, they’re lighter and more affordable than the modern alternatives. 

They’re bouncy and sometimes noisy, but for the price, you can’t complain too much. On average, they come in at twenty to fifty pounds lighter than the foam equivalent. And, if you’re moving them on your own, they have added rigidity and won’t just flop over on you. 

Even with new designs, this type transfers motion easily, and sharing with a light sleeper is challenging. They also have a reputation for sagging and creaking and wear out much faster than others. 

Heavier sleepers and those who need more support may encounter pressure points after a while. If you’re replacing your everyday mattress, you’ll save money and weight, but it may not be worth the cost in comfort.

Innerspring mattresses weigh the least of all because of the open space inside. A queen size usually comes in at 70 pounds.

Know your mattress weight will help you know how many people you need for moving it

Custom Mattresses In Any Weight Range

RV designers don’t take standard mattress sizes into account when maximizing space. It’s not uncommon to find a bed that requires a custom size. 

The beds on your rig likely sit on three-quarter-inch plywood. Because of that, they can’t handle how much your mattress weighs with you on top.

Thankfully, companies like Mattress Insider have stepped in to fill the need for travelers of all shapes and sizes. You can create the perfect solution to your sleeping woes using their custom online builder. 

They can tailor yours to fit custom dimensions and weight requirements using materials that align with your budget. With your rig in mind, they can include corner cutouts and specific sizes you won’t find elsewhere.

And, in case the latest video of custom bunk beds in a kid’s room inspires you, they also work with brick-and-mortar homes. Whatever you need, their customer service representatives can help you achieve your dreams.  

Read about our experience: Custom Airstream Mattress by Mattress Insider

What To Do If Your Mattress Isn’t Cutting It

All beds wear out, no matter how much you’ve invested in them. Replacing a $1200 sleeper every few years isn’t feasible. But we’ve got a solution here that can help extend its life. 

Mattress toppers are a quick fix for any bed that needs a boost without adding weight. More robust than a pad or cover, they add a significant layer of cushiness and support. Depending on your needs, they can bring comfort through firmness or softness. 

Hot nights benefit from cooling toppers that pull body heat away. And if you suffer from chronic pain or arthritis, they provide a comfortable surface. Adding one can also reduce motion transfer, contributing to a less restful slumber.

Made from various materials, you can enjoy the benefits of latex, gel, or memory foam. Because they’re thinner, they also don’t cost nearly as much as replacing your much-loved Serta. 

Check out this popular Cooling, Quilted Mattress Topper.

Weight Matters, But Comfort is Essential

In the world of mattresses, what they weigh doesn’t always equal quality. You’ll find that your specific sleep position and body heat play a much more critical role. Comfort is king, and spending every night on an uncomfortable, creaky bed doesn’t add to your overall happiness. 

Choosing the right one for your home or RV can bring restful nights. Jumping out of bed refreshed and energized is the best way to get the most out of your adventures.

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