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5 Cleaning Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes

Cleaning your home seems pretty cut and dry, but several common mistakes could make your task even harder.

Before you run another load of laundry, you’ll want to be sure they come out smelling better than when they went in. 

Today, we’re discussing five of the top mistakes you could be making and how to avoid them.

Let’s hit it!

A woman dressed in pink vacuuming a pink carpet with a pink vacuum in a pink room - don't make the mistake of not cleaning your vacuum

Why You Should Avoid These Common Cleaning Mistakes

Few people really love to clean. So spending precious time and energy tidying up, only to realize you’ve made more work for yourself, is disheartening. 

Sure, you had good intentions. But now you’re probably ready to throw in the towel. 

Even worse, if you’re guilty of these blunders, you could put yourself and your family in harm’s way. For example, using that sponge from your sink to wipe down your countertops is likely spreading dangerous germs from raw meat. You certainly won’t want to prepare your food there now!

That’s why we’re sharing some of the most common cleaning mistakes and how to avoid them. You can stay healthy and preserve your sanity with a few tweaks to your routine. 

#1 Not Cleaning From Top to Bottom

If you’re not already starting your task at the top and working your way down, prepare for a wake-up call. 

You might begin by vacuuming your floors. After all, they catch more dust, dirt, and pet hair than any other surface in your home. But you’re only making your job harder. That’s because any debris you wipe off of walls and countertops above will end up on that sparkling surface you just mopped. 

Or you’ll have to take extra time to meticulously brush those crumbs into your hand.

We suggest taking the path of least resistance instead. Start with your windows, then move to tall pieces of furniture. Dust and use wood polish as needed to get rid of accumulated grime. Next, clean sofas, chairs, and tables. 

Save your floors for last. 

If you have carpet, simply vacuum, and voila! Folks with hardwood, laminate, or tile should finish off with a quick mopping to keep them smelling fresh.

It might seem pretty obvious, but we don’t blame you. Those dust bunnies in the corner are hard to look at!

However, this method will make your life easier. 

Save money with 7 Surprising Ways to Clean Your Home with White Vinegar!

#2 Forgetting to Clean the Vacuum

While we’re on the subject of vacuums, another critical cleaning mistake is not emptying it when you’re done. We depend on these devices to get all those tiny particles out of nooks and crannies, but it’s easy to forget that they need attention, too. 

We know we just said to finish your routine with your floors, but consider this the final step of the last task. 

If you don’t empty the bag after tidying your floors, you’ll only have to do it later. Save yourself the hassle by dumping out the bag or canister before you put the machine away. Also, take a minute to remove any hair or trapped debris from the bristles.

You’ll be glad you took these steps the next time you go to vacuum. After all, it can be hard enough to jump on your chores. Don’t add even more obstacles in your way. 

Cleaning the reservoir will also keep your device from developing a musty smell that spreads throughout your house when you use it. The bottom line is that it’s a necessary evil, so just do it. 

#3 Using Dirty Cleaning Cloths

Although it might seem like a no-brainer, using soiled cleaning rags is another common mistake many people make. The problem is that it’s easy to assume your solution is enough to kill germs. And while many products do just that, plenty of others simply spread bacteria around. 

It’s better to be safe than sorry. You don’t want your bathroom or kitchen germs on your coffee table. Plus, wiping windows and mirrors with a grimy rag will only leave them streaky. 

If you use disposable paper towels, tear off a fresh one for each surface you wipe down. For reusable cloths, use a different one for every room.

We suggest buying a big pack of multicolored microfiber towels that you can simply throw in the washing machine after use. You can also grab a bottle of laundry sanitizer to ensure those rags are truly clean when you use them next. 

This book includes cleaning routines and a step-by-step checklist to declutter your home! Declutter Made Easy Workbook New Edition

#4 Improperly Cleaning a Cutting Board

When you walk into a home goods store, you might find more cutting boards on the shelves than you knew existed. Wood, laminated, plastic, and even glass are all options. And they all require different care to keep them in good condition. 

Another thing you may not realize is that they’re all prone to holding onto icky bacteria unless you’ve adequately sanitized them. Unfortunately, this cleaning mistake could have devastating consequences if you don’t take action. 

First, designate specific colors for raw meats and others for fresh produce you don’t plan to cook. Doing this will help you avoid cross-contamination. You can find plastic cutting board sets online or in stores that include several sizes so you can tell them apart. 

If you go this route, you can often throw them in the dishwasher after a good scrubbing. 

Prefer to hand-wash? No problem! Once you’ve removed any stuck-on debris, spray them with chlorine bleach and let them sit for a few minutes. Then rinse and allow them to dry. 

The wooden board variety typically needs more gentle treatment, so you can use this method, too. Just be sure to coat them with a food-grade oil before putting them away. 

Remember, no matter the material, they all wear out eventually. If you notice chipping or significant damage, it’s time for a new set. 

A man cleaning a kitchen surface at home - is he following our tips?

#5 Not Cleaning Appliances

You already know you need to clean your vacuum, but what about other appliances? It turns out that not washing your cleaning equipment could be a significant mistake.

If your clothes come out with a funky smell or your dishes have stuck-on bits after a cleaning cycle, your device probably needs a little TLC.

Dishwashers usually have filters that you need to empty regularly. Look at your owner’s manual or search YouTube for a tutorial. You’ll also want to run your disposal with plenty of cool water before turning on the device. Otherwise, food scraps from your sink can end up in your machine.

Before you fill it up again with plates and utensils, place a small cup of white vinegar on the top rack and run a cycle. The chemical should get rid of any lingering odors.

As gross as it sounds, washing machines can hold onto moisture, hair, and skin cells. But the way to purge this debris depends on the type you have. 

For top-loaders, allow the drum to fill up with hot water. Add eight ounces of baking soda and a few glugs of vinegar when it’s nearly full. Pause the cycle or leave the lid open and allow this concoction to sit for an hour or so. Then, shut it and let it complete the process.

If you have a front loader, add one-quarter cup of baking soda and a quart of vinegar before dialing it to the hottest setting. 

Whichever method you use, open the door and let the interior completely dry when finished.

Speaking of appliances: 5 Reasons to Avoid Using Your Oven’s Self-Cleaner

Keep Your House Clean and Family Safe by Avoiding These Cleaning Mistakes

We hate to admit it, but we’re all guilty of these common cleaning mistakes. After all, sanitizing our washing machines isn’t exactly at the top of our to-do list. But these refresher faux pas are only making our jobs harder. 

Consider making a monthly chore chart that includes these extra tasks so they don’t fall by the wayside. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying a sparkling home with ease!

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