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7 Texas Slang Terms to Learn Before Visiting

They say everything is bigger in Texas, which stands true for the slang terms you’ll encounter on your visit. Don’t worry! We’re here to help. 

Our list is just a scratch on the surface of Texas slang, but it’ll help you blend in with the locals. So, hopefully, the first question you get is something other than, “Where y’all from?” 

Are you ready to get started?

Let’s learn to speak like a Texan! 

What Exactly is Slang?

Slang is a type of informal language that specific groups of people use, such as teenagers or people from a particular location. It’s not considered a standard language and is often used in place of more formal words. 

The term includes words or phrases with a different meaning than their traditional definition or even words that people make up entirely. For example, teenagers use the phrase lit to describe a party or event that’s fun and energetic.  

Slang can help people feel more connected to a particular group or community. Still, it’s important to be aware of the context in which it’s appropriate to use slang and when it’s more appropriate to use standard language.

Different regions of the United States have their own slang terms, and Texas has a list as tall as a 10-gallon hat. These words and phrases are fun to learn, and each has its specific place in the Texan vocabulary. 

Pro Tip: Y’all will love exploring these 5 Cool Places in Texas.

Texas sign on American flag
Howdy y’all! Make sure you know some common Texas slang before heading to the Lone Star State.

#1 Y’all

Y’all is possibly the most widely used slang phrase in Texas. A combination of you and all, it’s a word that you can insert into almost any sentence. Y’all can mean more than one person up to several people. If the group starts to get too large, they’ll likely use the phrase all y’all. 

Q: Where y’all going to dinner tonight? A: We’re gonna go over to her momma’s house. 

Q: All y’all going down to the ball game this weekend? A: Nah, Imma take the boys down to the game, but the girls got some other things they want to do. 

Both uses of y’all are correct and provide a different form and function. You almost can’t go wrong by referring to any group of people as y’all. 

#2 All Git Out

This is a fun phrase to use because it’s so adaptable. At its core, all get out is a definition of something extreme or an immense feeling. 

If you give someone a great gift, they might be happy as all git out. But, if you’re late for supper, your momma might be mad as all git out. 

The phrase has been around for a long time, but it was first recorded in print in Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn. 

If it’s your first time visiting Texas, try it out by telling someone you’re as excited as all git out for your trip. 

#3 All Hat, No Cattle

All talk, no action. Texans use this slang as a polite way to say someone is full of bull or won’t follow through with their big talk. 

If you’re all hat and no cattle, you better figure out a way to start backing up your words. Or you might be told that your mouth is writing checks your boots can’t cash. 

The phrase is associated with Texan lore but was first reported as being used by the Osage Indigenous People of Oklahoma, who say, “big hat, no cattle.”

Cowboy in Texas
Become a part of the local community by learning some common slang used in Texas.

#4 Coke

In Texas, all carbonated drinks are Coke. This is also true across the rest of the South. Almost every soft drink was created in the South, with Coke being one of the first and most famous. Calling a soft drink a Coke is like calling a tissue a Kleenex. 

It’s not surprising to hear someone say, “What kind of coke y’all got?” What they’re really asking is what type of soft drinks you serve. 

It’s also not uncommon for someone to ask what type of coke they have at a restaurant and hear, “We serve Pepsi products.” At this point, it’s perfectly acceptable for a Texan to say, “Nah, I’ll just have a sweet tea.” 

#5 Bless Your Heart

You don’t want to be on the receiving end of bless your heart. But if you do find yourself there, it’s important to try and understand the tone and inflection. This versatile phrase can be used simply to say you can’t get your act together, or it can be the harshest lecture from a sharp-tongued grandmother. 

There’s also a chance someone is offering genuine sympathy for someone going through a tough situation. 

It’s best to respond to this Texas slang with a smile and a nod, as it often takes expert-level experience to determine which particular insult or comment you’re receiving. 

#6 Might Could

When you’re not exactly sure if you can do something, it’s fair to say you might could. A Texan might say, I don’t know if I can move that trailer, but I might could. 

This phrase is also best used to let someone know if you can attend an event. It’s entirely appropriate to say, “I gotta see if I can get off work, but I might could.”

#7 This Ain’t My First Rodeo

When it’s not your first rodeo, it means that you have experience in the activity. You can also use the phrase to respond to someone offering a compliment. This is the Texan version of I wasn’t born yesterday. 

Surprisingly, the term didn’t first come to public recognition until the early 1980s. From there, it became more popular through film, music, and southern athletes and coaches. It sure packs a punch for a phrase that’s only been around for 40 years. 

Pro Tip: Get some well earned R&R time on one of these 7 Best Beaches in Texas (and Awesome Nearby Campsites).

Practice Your Texas Slang and Have Fun With It

Slang is a fun way to soak yourself in the culture of a community. Texans have their own ways of doing things, and their language is as thick as their brisket. While in Texas, make sure to wet your whistle, take a load off, and kick your boots up. 

You might not be able to speak like a Texan after just one trip, but using these slang terms will make your trip fun as all git out.

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